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The Key to Success: Trust in the Universe and Spiritual Principles for Entrepreneurs During a difficult period in 2023, trusting the universe changed my life. I had been diagnosed with Long COVID, a poorly-studied disease that was ravaging my nervous system and giving me horrible fatigue. I was single in Hawaii, I had a dog, […]
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If you’re not dealing with drama, you aren’t leading. People issues dominate my coaching sessions. They range from co-founder conflicts to early employees that don’t scale to board members who block acquisitions. Dealing with team drama as a leader is a common challenge that can’t be ignored. The founder’s attitude is typically, “Why the eff […]
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I can’t believe I’m saying this: I’m building another company. I was afraid of this for a long time. Afraid of the long hours, sleepless nights, and never-ending deadlines. But right now I feel excitement and promise. Yes, it’s early, but what I’m most excited about isn’t just what I am doing, but how I […]