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This is a co-authored post with my friend and fellow coach, Katharine Campbell Hirst. If you enjoy this article, please subscribe to her newsletter here. One of Katharine’s most popular LinkedIn posts stemmed from a discussion the two of us had about the double bind that female entrepreneurs find themselves in. We want to be our full selves […]

5 Ways to Access Your Feminine

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It’s been 3 years since I sold my company, 2 years since I started coaching, and last week I did my first facilitation as a coach. It was a BLAST. Looking through the feedback, the team I facilitated is ready to execute! Here’s one reaction that made my heart sing: Collective sprinting. What better Christmas […]

4 Steps to Collective Sprinting

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Are you willing to let your company die because you can’t prioritize well? Your ego and ambition say you can do it all. You can’t. When you prioritize, you have to let everything else be mediocre. Not everything can be optimal. Otherwise nothing is optimal. The hardest choice to make in a startup is not […]
