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People complain that their leaders are selfish. But behind that story, I see leaders who struggle with knowing what they want. Self-knowledge is a top leadership skill that I’ll show you how to attain. Leaders have to be accountable to their teams, investors, and clients. And often abandon themselves. You are allowed to have needs. […]

compass among trees

Leadership Skill: My Test for Knowing What You Actually Want

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When I raised my first VC round as a founder of a technology company, I was scared to be in my feminine leadership. So I dressed up like a guy, with a t-shirt, short hair, and Converse sneakers. ​ Why Converse? Because my male mentor at the time proudly walked into his VC meetings wearing Converse […]

Feminine Leadership: Pitching Like a Woman

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My team surrounded me and I was fully triggered. We were 20 people in a warehouse, and I was working at my laptop. One of my teammates tapped me on the shoulder to come to the kitchen. As I walked over, I stopped dead in my tracks. ​ ************Everyone was gathered looking at me.************ ​ […]

I was triggered by cake…