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When I started my company, I was pretty freakin’ authentic. I had my ambitious, Type-A work side but I was also goofy and a love bug. It was just my cofounder and I, so there was no hiding any part of me. Even when we were a jolly group of four people at 500 Startups, […]

The Guide to Wholehearted Leadership

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I was cleaning the dishes at 10pm after hosting my weekly community taco night. As I scrubbed away, something was gnawing at me: the early indications of resentment. “Why isn’t anyone helping me with the dishes?” “I spent so much money on the meat this week!” “I just want to go to bed.” Ordinarily, there […]

Setting Boundaries and Self-Care for Entrepreneurs: Lessons from a Taco Night

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I never used to cry in front of other people. My immigrant family was tough, and they didn’t handle crying well when I was growing up. So I learned to cry in private. I tucked away sadness deep inside because I didn’t know how to deal with it.  Until I began scaling my startup and […]

The Greatest Growth Hack No One Talks About