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At dinner with my friend Maria, her husband Gary asked a profound question, “Who is your wild one? Where do you allow your wild one to show up and where do you suppress it?” Oddly that very morning, my coach helped me meet my wild one.  She came up as a visual. She looks like […]


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Let’s step backwards in time about 7 years. I’m at a friend’s house for brunch where she gathered about 25 female founders. The environment was tense because news had broken out about a few big names in VC having sexually harassed several female founders. A smaller group of women at the brunch were huddled conspiratorially […]

VC Capital to Women

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When I started Chewse, I was a classic people-pleaser. I had been trained young to read the room and walk on eggshells to ensure other people would feel good. Often at my expense. This carried over into my leadership. I would spend hours preparing negative feedback for someone. And when it came time to deliver […]

Presence, Feedback, and Vulnerability: Lessons from LIT