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Confession: I take 1 week off of work a month. Maybe that sounds like a humble brag but sometimes it eats me up. It feels so indulgent compared to my workload as a founder.  This is my first time almost at full coaching capacity. Do I give up more time to work more or do […]

Claiming My Time Off

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First off, thank you for the warm responses to my last post about the Female Founder Retreat and owning my role as a coach. It makes me feel so happy I can share something that tender with y’all!  Ever since I got Long COVID, I’ve found a freaky ability to tune into energy states. It’s […]

Expansion First ⏭️ Planning Second

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I just re-discovered something I didn’t know I had lost: the feeling of belonging in the tech industry.​ Last week I had the opportunity to facilitate a female founder retreat for Pear VC. The incredible Mar Hershenson, Mada Seghete, and Vivien Ho gathered 90 women in the desert of Palm Springs for 3 days of […]

What 90 Female Founders Taught Me