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I’m a second generation immigrant. I’m proud of my Chinese heritage, but I’m also learning to shed unhelpful beliefs about work. I have a vivid memory of watching my mother working in bed on a Sunday. She was a designer for her own fashion line, and she was going through magazines for inspiration. I remember […]

Good Work Should Feel Inspired

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I’m dating my ex-boyfriend after 1.5 years of being broken up. And it’s hard not to get stuck seeing him through the lens of the past. How do I combat this? With extreme presence. We often undermine our evolution (and the evolution of those around us) by assuming people will act like their old selves. […]

Extreme Presence

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I’m finally healing from my 1.5 year battle with Long COVID. I was bed-ridden for months, too weak to stand at my kitchen counter and make tea. But the trauma stubbornly remains: I’m numb. I’m having trouble experiencing joy and love. Life feels less colorful. When I was sick, my body did the most benevolent […]

Unthawing: Part Two