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Over the holidays, I got to spend some quality time with my parents and my derpy puppy, Bodhi. And I had a DUH realization: I miss being around people! Being Chinese-American, I come from a family where you’re together all the time. Conversely the Western world places a huge premium on autonomy and self-reliance. But […]

Combatting the Loneliness of Remote Work

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I’m not going to set annual personal goals this year. I’m working on my morning rituals instead. How many people set a goal in January that they’ve forgotten by April? Humans typically have 90 day cycles of focus before things get…fuzzy. Hence why quarters have 3 months. But it’s the daily journey, the regimens and […]

Rituals Eat Goals for Breakfast

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I’m releasing accumulated trauma from 10 years of running a startup, 2 gnarly break-ups, and 1.5 years of Long COVID. But I have a big hurdle to get through first: numbing out. For executives I coach, this can look like indifference, apathy, or even fatigue and lack of motivation to work. Some people wonder if […]

Healing 13 Years of Frozen Trauma